
Finally Finished!

School is finally over and my grades are fairly decent. But ugh, those last few weeks leading up to my exams and the long awaiting finishing of the schoolyear. It felt as though it wished to crawl on forever! But now, im done. So, i was completely ready to begin this summer and spend lots and lots of time with Helms but then it happened. His parents, yes, his Parents, said they needed a break for the entire summer. This translated to, im not allowed to see him, at all, this summer. not for his birthday. or our six month anniversary. not at all until september, or later if they decide it. This pissed me off, but more than anything, it saddened me. it Does sadden me. But theres nothing i can do. Just wait. So, aside from that, my summer will most likely go as planned.
  • summer intensive in dance
  • college trips to usc, fsu, and uc
  • applying for scholarships
  • etc.
yep, thats my summer in a nutshell. i hate what i cant do, but i know i must wait. and of course i have my friends Kane, Anime, and Le' Fortune to get me through. Speaking of, im going to a bonfire soon which is good. i need to get out of the house for awhile. Anyways, ciao til next time darlings!



The First of Many

Hello Darlings. My name is ________, but you can call me Doll;). This blog is not a diary, its not a fictional tale, and nothing i will write is false. I"m all real, And its your choice as to whether or not you think you can handle all of Me. So, now i will tell you abit about me now. Im young enough to be in the height of my youth but wiser than most my age-probably due to the fact that ive lived more lives than most. Im sweet but jaded. Ive been through alot, and if your really lucky i will share some of that in later entries;) Im a chronic flirt but in the best ways. Im always honest, blunt about everything. Guess thats the yankee in me. I have a wonderful boyfriend whom i love beyond word. Its impossible for me to articulate my feelings for him. I adore him. And in return he adores me. I could gush on more but ill save that for another time. Im not average by any means, just ask my boyfriend, Helms. I hate people who have no identity or personality of thier own. Its frustrating to know that some people have that little depth. I have a couple close friends but for the most part i walk to the beat of my own drum. You will learn more of me as i write more entries, but for now if there is anything you wish to know, my loves, just ask. Ill answer just about anything. Till my next entry: Ciao' darlings.
